On the Chauvin Verdict: One SMALL step toward #Justice

On the Wikipedia page about Emmett Till and his 1955 murder, under the “Trial” portion there’s a line that says: “In later interviews, the jurors acknowledged that they knew Bryant & Milan were guilty, but simply did not believe that life imprisonment or the death penalty were fit punishment for whites who had killed a black [sic] man.”

TODAY, April 20th, 2021, at the press conference after the Chauvin verdict was announced, Jesse Jackson (who was born the same year as Till) stated he remembers after the trial one of the jurors said: “I could not imagine going to jail for killing a nigger.” Please be reminded: Till’s murderers PUBLICLY bragged about killing him, and were even paid $4,000 to tell the story to a magazine; Additionally, Carolyn Bryant admitted she lied about the entire incident—the incident being Emmett Till speaking to her in a flirtatious tone, which enraged the White men around her so much that they kidnapped, tortured, and drowned a 14 year old Black child.

Mamie Till Mobely, being held while bearing witness to the horrific, racist terrorism visited upon her INNOCENT child. To this day, no one has been held accountable for Emmett’s 1955 kidnapping, torture, or murder.

Mamie Till Mobely, being held while bearing witness to the horrific, racist terrorism visited upon her INNOCENT child. To this day, no one has been held accountable for Emmett’s 1955 kidnapping, torture, or murder.

White America, this is *your* sin. White people, this is *your* problem to solve. White Supremacy is *your* issue. White Domestic Terrorism is *your* bag. Unpack that, and stop attacking & killing us with it. We are bone tired of having to carry the heavy, DEADLY burden of your irrational hatred toward people who don’t look like you. We are soul tired of doing the hard work for you, since 1619.

You CHOOSE to believe the lie that you are better than everyone else. You CHOOSE to accept that the system is tilted unfairly in your favor. You CHOOSE to deny fact, empirical evidence, and objective truths that show you BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that systemic racism exists. You CHOOSE to deny the reality of our suffering. You. CHOOSE. This. 

Which basically means YOU CHOOSE COMPLICITY IN THE STATE SANCTIONED MURDERS OF MINORITIES IN THIS COUNTRY. That, in itself, is evil incarnate—which you CHOOSE TO BE. There is no way around this.

Your alleged “Christianity” is performative self soothing. Jesus was an innocent Brown man murdered by the law enforcement and government of his time for spreading the message of love and equity. The story is right there, in all four gospels of the New Testament. (It is also recorded in non-religious historical accounts.) If you actually lived in the times of the Jesus you claim to serve, you would not have been a disciple or follower of Christ; you would have been part of the onlooking crowd screaming “BARABBAS” as a beaten, broken, bloody Brown man was adorned with a crown of thorns and hung on a cross for your entertainment. Every time you allow racism to flourish, be sustained, or survive in this country—via your action or inaction; via your support of unfair legislation or your refusal to vote against it; via the spread of false narratives proliferated by Fox News and right wing propaganda outlets; that’s you being part of the Barabbas crowd…while driving around with a fish on your car, walking around with a cross on your neck, and sitting in your hollow houses of evangelical manipulation.

Your “Patriotism” is a false flag for racism. Were it not the case, you would be able to identify with the struggle of innocent Americans being killed by an incompetent, overzealous system of policing in this country, which is in DIRECT OPPOSITION TO THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. America was built by Americans who were denied their full humanity for centuries, yet they were citizens through and through. Our modern day police forces are directly descended from the slave patrols of our past—literal RACE BASED LAW ENFORCEMENT—with no care or concern paid toward the preservation of lives that are not White. You should read about how angry White men were legally deputized for the Tulsa Massacre on Black Wall Street. May 31st, 2021 marks 100 years since this ungodly terrorist attack on American soil, performed by White Americans intentionally on their Black countrymen. I would say #NeverForget, yet chances are you never learned about it to remember in the first place. It was not the first NOR the last. [See: East St. Louis (1917), Elaine, Arkansas (1919), Rosewood (1923), MOVE Bombing (1985) just to name a FEW.] Another shameful failure of this country’s educational system, which is fueled by White Supremacy and systemic inequality.

Be better humans, White people. Abandon the ways of your colonizing ancestors and join the rest of modern mankind. The entire WORLD has been imploring you to do so for over a year. Do the work. Stop the nonsense. Cut the crap with hiding behind political parties and pro-life pontifications. The current GOP is absolutely the party of White Supremacy and White Terrorism, FULL STOP. Their alleged involvement and obvious inaction toward the groups who perpetrated an insurrection on our Capitol is the cherry on top of a mountain of evidence to the fact. If you support this party in ANY WAY moving forward, it is White Supremacy you support—not the lives of innocent American citizens, not fiscal responsibility—White Supremacy, PERIOD. Indigenous people, Black people, Latino people, and Asian people make up the MAJORITY of the planet’s population, yet are called “minorities” because of the revisionist history your ancestors thrust upon the world and forced down its throat with their guns and germs. It is beyond time for you to become the ideal global citizens you believe yourselves to be.

If you love God & Country the way you claim, you must understand that love is an ACTION word. So stand, walk, march, VOTE, and fight with equity and progress, or sit on the bench with your proven, factual, documented legacy of racist terrorism. Choose ye this day which you will serve.

As Yoda said: Do or do not, there is no try. Either lead with the love and light of equity—as Jesus taught, or allow yourself to be used as a tool of the Dark Side. If you choose the latter, you have no right to anger if/when someone calls you a White devil.
